The Season of Lent
Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!
March 5 – Ash Wednesday – service at noon.
March 9 – 1st Sunday in Lent
March 16 – 2nd Sunday in Lent
March 23 – 3rd Sunday in Lent
March 30 – 4th Sunday in Lent
April 6 – 5th Sunday in Lent
April 13 – Palm/Passion Sunday
April 14 – Holy Week begins
April 17 – Maundy Thursday
April 18 – Good Friday – Service at 7pm
April 20 – Easter Sunday
Join Us! We are an active church!
Learn more about what we do
How You Can Help our Community
We are currently collecting socks through the month of December. They will be used in our hygiene kits, as well as given out to one or more of our partners helping the community.
M&M continues to collect items for the hygiene kits. Travel sized items, items specific to men or women (shaving, feminine hygiene, etc.) are appreciated. See the “News” section in this webpage for further details.
Want to Get Involved a Little More?
Here are a couple of places in which we always need people’s help:
Usher – We haven’t had ushers since prior to the pandemic. We’d love to start this again! This would be easy for one or two people. Duties would include assisting those in need to find a seat; making sure everyone has a bulletin; if possible, putting our welcome signs outside, and then bring them in after the service ends; closing outside doors just prior to the service, and opening when the service ends (keeps out noise and heat/cold). (Jennifer Hampton would be happy to help get this started. Judy McConnell and Al Alcantar can also be a resource.)
Greeter(s) – We also haven’t done this since pre-pandemic. A greeter is one or two people who greet all guests as they enter the sanctuary. This could also be the usher. If you still have a nametag, wear it! If this works out, perhaps we can get new nametags.
Counters after church – Count the money from the morning offering. (Please see Steve Adams regarding this.)
Liturgist – Pastor’s assistant during service, read announcements, and such. (Please see Jennifer Hampton regarding this.)
Sign up to bring goodies for a Sunday morning. There’s a sign up sheet near the office door. (Please see Lupe Alcantar or Bobbie Lane regarding this.)
CUMC Zoom Information
Use the church Zoom link below.
Go to Enter the following Meeting ID and Passcode:
Meeting ID: 909 628 1107
Passcode: 12345