Social Hour!
We are excited to announce our upcoming social hour events and would love for everyone to join in on the fun. To make these gathering even more enjoyable, we kindly ask that you bring your favorite snacks to share with the group. Here are the details of the coming events:
March 2nd – Academy Awards
March 9th – Girl Scout Sunday
March 16th – St. Patrick’s Day
March 23rd – Church Council Meeting
March 30th – American Painter Vincent van Gogh was born (1853-1890)
Feel free to bring any type of snack you like: sweet, savory, homemade, or store-bought; the more variety, the better! Let’s come together and enjoy some great conversations, laughter, and delicious treats. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Love is what we are commanded to do:
If you are at church, you can write a check to Chino UMC and in the memo, write “Wildfires”. 100% of your donation will go directly to UMCOR and the cause. Administrative costs are paid for by church apportionments.
Global Ministries/UMCOR is on Scene!
If you are looking to see how to help or how to get help, the California-Pacific UMC site is a great resource:
Our 129th Anniversary Celebration was a Success!
We had a spectacular birthday/anniversary celebration for Chino UMC! We officially turned 129 on 9/11/24, but we held our celebration on Sunday, 9/8/24. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Moonyoung Lee, gave the sermon. We also blessed the many items we collected to donate to West End Animal Shelter of Ontario. We loved seeing some faces we haven’t seen in a while, but it is always a blessing to see our regulars! Larry McFarland made chicken and steak for everyone. The potluck was sensational!!! There was even plenty of food for vegetarians! We were thrilled to have the local newspaper, the Chino Champion, with their editor, Marianne Napoles, joining us! She was thrilled to see all of Chino’s history!
Along with honoring our church, our goal was to collect 129 items for the animal shelter. We didn’t collect 129…we collected 357 items to donate!!!!!!! We are small and MIGHTY!!!! A huge thanks to Judy McConnell and Sue Rhodes who handled the donation. Meagan Lesher was a GREAT resource for getting the community to donate, as well! Thanks to everyone who helped!
Grant from Stater Bros.
Stater Bros. in Chino on Riverside had a Grand Re-opening. Part of this event included a donation for $2,500 to Chino UMC for our outreach in the community work!
We had a lovely turnout with members and Stater Brothers staff.
The CalPac website recently posted about this event on their website: CalPac
Hygiene Kits
We continue to collect items to create hygiene kits for the unhoused and organizations that help them. There is a box in the narthex (lobby) of the sanctuary where you can put these items. Please consider travel sizes for most of these items. All items must be unopened, unused, and new. Kits will be given to Hope Partners in Ontario, the school district, and to anyone who stops by needing one. Below is a list of what we need most:
>Hand Lotion
>Feminine hygiene products
>Hand Soap
>Toilet paper
>Water bottles (case)
>Socks!! These should be adult sized and new; for men, women, or unisex.
>Lip balm
>Wash cloths
>Hair ties
>Dental floss
Worship Livestream
Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings for our online worship experiences. These may be found on our Facebook page. If you are not able to join us at 10:30, please know that the livestream is recorded and will remain on our Facebook page.
Read about what’s happening this month, plus pictures and updates! Contact the church if you want a copy emailed to you or if you want a hard copy you can pick up in church or mailed to you directly.
Current Newsletter
March Tidings
2024 Tidings
January Tidings
February Tidings
March Tidings
April Tidings
May Tidings
June Tidings
July Tidings
August Tidings
September Tidings
(October through January Tidings are not available due to computer issues in the church office.)