About Chino United Methodist Church

Who We Are
Chino United Methodist Church is a welcoming and caring congregation that seeks to serve God, one another and others by growing in faith, modeling compassion and connecting to the wider world with help, hope and peace. We embrace an emerging Christianity that invites questioning and contemplation, focuses less on dogma and doctrine and more on compassion and love. We promote practices of faith and service to transform both us and our community.
We invite you to join us. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, there’s a place for you here.

Chino United Methodist Church was officially organized on September 11, 1895 as Chino Methodist Episcopal Church. At that time there were 18 members. We have had a wonderful history in and around the City of Chino ever since!
In that time countless people have come and gone, leaving their mark on the community and congregation. We have been through the horse and buggy days (there is still a horse tie-down ring in the curb across the street!), to the “horseless carriage,” to the cruisers of the fifties and muscle cars of the sixties, all the way up to the hybrid and electric cars of today. And, at each stage along the way, we have remained relevant to the people and times we serve.