Worship at Chino UMC
What to Expect
Sunday Worship Celebration begins at 10:30 each Sunday morning.
We are a “come as you are” kind of congregation. Some women wear dresses, some pants. Some men wear suits and ties, some jeans and a tee shirt. During the summer, many folks dress in shorts. The bottom line is: We would rather see you dressed as you feel comfortable, than not at all!
Children are always welcome in worship and are invited to come forward during the Children’s Moments, following which they may attend Sunday School. If they choose not to attend Sunday School, that’s okay, too.
Coffee fellowship (with some sweet goodies!) in our Social Hall follows worship each week.
Communion is offered during the regular worship service on the first Sunday of every month and at some other “non-Sunday” worship services.
In the United Methodist tradition, Communion, (also called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist) is an open sacrament, and we at Chino UMC practice an “open table.” Communion participants are not required to be members of this or any other United Methodist Church. They need not even be baptized Christians. We believe that this meal symbolizes God’s family gathered around God’s table, that we are all children of God, and, therefore, all are welcome.
In addition, we use bread and grape juice (not wine), so that if alcohol is an issue in anyone’s life, it need not prevent them from receiving communion.