Recent News
April 2020
Help the Monarch Butterfly

There are over 700 species of butterflies in North America, (high-five, God!) but the monarch butterfly is the most iconic of them all. However, there is no monarch butterfly without the monarch caterpillar; and right now they need your help!
The humble milkweed plant is the ONLY plant the monarch butterfly will lay her eggs on, and once hatched, the milkweed plant is the ONLY food source for the monarch caterpillar. They have a voracious appetite and need several plants during this stage of their life. Also, the more plants you have, the easier it is for the monarch to find when time to lay her eggs. Thus, she will have to expend less energy as she searches for milkweed.
It's more important than ever to provide an abundance of milkweed plants now, as the monarch population has declined significantly. As a result of ongoing development and the excessive use of pesticides, in both rural & urban settings, the number of milkweed plants is critically low.
Are you ready to help ensure the survival of the monarch butterfly? By planting milkweed, you will be providing habitat for the eggs, food for the caterpillar, and nectar for the butterfly. SAM (Social and Mission Concerns) will be passing out packets of milkweed seeds April 19 & 26 (or as church meets). We hope to have an ample supply so even if you are unable to attend there should still be packets available.
Let’s do our part to help protect the cherished monarch butterfly so they will once again flourish and thrive!
Worship Livestream

Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings for our online worship experiences. These may be found on our Facebook page. If you are not able to join us at 10:30, please know that the livestream is recorded and will remain on our Facebook page. We plan to livestream each Sunday until we are able to gather in person again.
Celebrate and Nurture God's Creation

Genesis, Chapter 1, tells us . . . “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (vs 31). Woo-hoo! God gets an A+ for these actions. What grade do we, God’s chosen caretakers get? Sadly, our performance rating is a Boo-hoo. We can, and must, do a better job!
Global warming is on a path that left unchecked will continue to diminish food security, increase climate refugees, and accelerate the extinction of species. Science also clearly details the role of global warming in the heightened numbers and intensity of wildfires and hurricanes. This directly impacts our very lives, our loved ones, and all those who live in affected areas — which continues to expand.
As we celebrate the beauty and majesty of God's creation, let us also remember that our faith requires us to be active participants in taking care of it.
Physical Distancing and Social Closeness

I recently had a phone conversation with a caller from the church that was greatly appreciated. If we all would do that social distancing wouldn’t be so distant.
Marilyn Mohnike
“Do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa
Women of the Bible

Our local Chino UMW joyously donated $100 to the “Day of Giving” — which was on March 23, 2020 — where we honor our foremothers by giving to the Legacy Fund to ensure United Methodist Women can continue serving women, children, and youth around the world for the next 150 years. Generous donors have already committed to matching a portion of our gifts received on Day of Giving. Together, we are building our legacy!